A laptop with hands on top, representing Angelfish joining the MRS Operations Network.

Angelfish Fieldwork joins the MRS Operations Network

We’re super excited to be part of the MRS Operations Network. Here’s what that means for us (and you!) 

We’ve always believed that operations is the backbone of the research sector, ensuring that everything goes smoothly and that everyone has the information they need to do their job and deliver fantastic results.  

Here at Angelfish, we’re passionate about supporting everyone in the industry and helping people to reach their goals. In fact, that’s the main reason why we strive to create informative, helpful content about fieldwork - and it's exactly why we are so excited to be part of the MRS Operations Network 

Why the Operations Network is so important to us  

What does operations mean to us? Well, pretty much everything. To put it simply, operations is the driving force behind our business.   

It’s everything from team growth to idea generation and keeping on top of trends to pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones. It’s a team effort, and we’ve always believed that if we all muck in and work together, there are no limits to what we can achieve.   

That’s why the MRS Operations Network is such a great resource, as it makes sure those in support and ops roles within market research have access to relevant content and training.  

Plus, it also provides opportunities to chat to likeminded people within the industry, meet new contacts, fine-tune ideas, share knowledge, and learn from each other.   

Operations in action  

Our ops team covers a wide array of functions across the business, from project delivery through to people management, employee engagement, marketing, business strategy, and driving business growth. 

A recent example of operations in action at Angelfish was our decision to start using all-in-one panel management and research recruitment software. It was a huge undertaking to rip up how we work and start again, and it took some trial and error, a lot of learning, and a huge amount of patience.   

We expected a can-do approach from our wonderful team, and they certainly delivered. The results speak for themselves, and we are now proud to offer quicker project turnaround times and enhanced respondent quality, as well as greater admin efficiencies.  

Plus, the new software gives us more control over the entire recruitment process, freeing up our time to do more of what we love: finding the best possible participants for our clients’ complex research projects.  

What’s more, it also gave our team a chance to expand their skill set and learn something new. Basically, we’ve learnt that when it comes to making a change and shaking things up, sometimes you’ve just got to go for it to reap the rewards!  

Operations is at the centre of all that we do 

Here at Angelfish, operations is integral to what we do, and we believe it’s really important for the operations side of the market research industry to shine – which is why we’re so thrilled to be part of the Operations Network! 

With events and webinars on a huge variety of topics from leadership to strategic management skills and how to run a successful research project, the MRS Operations Network an incredibly powerful tool. After all, together we all make up essential pieces of the market research puzzle - so it’s time to champion operations!   

If you’d like to learn more about the Operations Network or would like to sign up to one of their upcoming events or webinars, find out more here - or alternatively, feel free to contact us to have a chat about all things ops! 

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