Election Results 2024: What We Learned from the Public
On the morning the General Election results were announced, we conducted a pulse survey to capture the immediate reactions of our community.
A selected group of our amazing, engaged community at Angelfish Opinions responded, providing a fresh and timely snapshot of the country's mood just as the news broke. With the Labour Party emerging as the winner, we were keen to understand how this outcome might shape public sentiment and consumer behaviour—key information for brands looking to stay aligned with their audience.
Who we asked
We gathered responses from a mix of individuals across the UK, spanning a range of ages and political views. This allowed us to explore not only how people felt about the election results but also the key issues that influenced their vote.
Key findings
Here are some of the key insights from our survey:
Relief and uncertainty
While many respondents expressed hope that Labour’s win would bring positive change, others were more neutral or disillusioned. One participant captured the sentiment of unease, saying, “Disappointed, worried, and frightened of the next five years.”
Who won?
Just over a third of respondents said they voted for the Labour Party, while over half had voted for another party. The remainder either did not vote or chose not to disclose their vote.
Voting behaviour
Interestingly, most respondents (around three quarters) voted for the party or person they originally intended, but 20% admitted to voting tactically to influence the overall outcome.
Surprising insights
One particularly interesting finding from this survey was the number of people who changed their mind during the campaign:
Changing minds
Although many voters stayed loyal to their chosen party, about 20% of respondents changed their mind during the election campaign, showing how opinions shifted during the lead-up to the election. This highlights the volatile nature of public opinion in such a closely watched event, and how certain issues or campaign messages may have swayed decisions at the last minute.
Content influence
A third of respondents said TV debates were the biggest influence on their voting decision, while 20% pointed to social media and another 20% cited discussions with friends and family. This underscores the growing importance of digital channels and personal conversations in shaping political views.
Our pulse survey, conducted just as the election results were revealed, offers real-time insights into the nation's mood. For brands, understanding these shifts in sentiment is essential to anticipating changes in consumer confidence and adapting marketing strategies accordingly.
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Curious to find out more? Explore some of our recent pulse surveys—find out what people thought about the 2024 Olympics and the 2024 Back to School period—and see how we can help you succeed. Get in touch today!