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6 Ways To Target Millennials For Focus Group Research

Focus group research is a powerful way to gather unique insights to improve your products and services. It’s a research method researchers use and enjoy, and it’s a method you often cannot beat!  But targeting millennials for focus groups is another ball game altogether.

As we saw in last month’s post, millennials are parting ways with traditional research methods due to a variety of reasons. For one, technology drives them, and so they're more inclined to enjoy digital research methodologies e.g. market research online communities. Also, digital research methods are more engaging, flexible, and connect with the creativity of millennials.

So, this begs the question: How do you target millennials for focus groups knowing a traditional approach isn't going to work? Well, here are six ways!

1) Find what they are interested in

Firstly, avoid targeting them through expensive recruitment channels such as radio, magazine and direct mail. Rather, take the time to find communities and areas that millennials are likely to spend time and speak to them to discover what exactly they are interested in. A good place to start is student fairs although this doesn’t just need to be face-to-face and could be online too via social media channels and discussion forums.

2) Use social media

Social media is a powerful way to interact, build trust and gather unique insights from your target audience. It’s also a potent way to recruit for focus group research for millennials especially as they’re seen as the social generation.

Here are a few ways to start find millennials for your focus group:

Post information on your company Facebook page - gain their trust by giving them as much information about you as possible!

  1. Post information in groups they’re part of

  2. Create polls about the research and get them involved

  3. Use a targeted Facebook campaign for exposure

  4. Post across Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest

focus group research

But, keep the following in mind when posting:

  1. Millennials value experiences over material things. It follows that tying your focus group research to an experience is a smart move e.g. create a fun game – make sure this shines through when posting on social media.
  2. Millennials want a brand that reflects their personality. You need to ensure that social media posts reflect this and that you are reaching the right people for your focus group research.
  3. They value authenticity. Write your social media posts in an authentic way to capture attention.
  4. They are the “why” generation. They want to know why they’re doing something. So, include an overview of the research, reasons why you're doing it, and how it impacts them
  5. Millennials are more visually engaged so use photo and videos in your posts, particularly for social media platforms aside from Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest

3) Think about incentives

Incentives are a strong way to recruit participants for market research. But because millennials place value on authenticity it’s key to make sure they don’t perceive incentives as a bribe.

Consider tying the incentive to an experience of your brand and give them a reward that allows them to buy further experiences. Possible incentives include gift certificates, cash, resources, books and vouchers. Because millennials are health conscious, a healthy eating voucher may work too.

4) Speak their language

Millennials also have their own lingo. So, make sure you communicate and target them in their language. They will be more willing to connect and engage with your focus group if you do.

They communicate in the least possible words, use abbreviations, as well as shorthand. You need to understand how they communicate, what interests them, and adapt to their ever-changing language. Here's a millennial cheat sheet to get you started!

Focus Group Reseach

5) Explain what a focus group entails

Millennials often perceive a focus group to be boring; all you do is sit in a small room and talk aimlessly.

But, According to Elite Daily, 42% of millennials are interested in helping companies develop future products, and, they also enjoy collaborating. All of which is possible in a focus group!

Often then, you simply need to explain this to millennials. You need to explain what the focus group entails, how it’s of benefit, and that they can actually get involved in the brand experience.

Also, consider offering games or a pre-work digital task to encourage participation and engagement. Making it digital is crucial! After all - according to the research consultancy TNS - this technological savvy generation spends approximately three hours daily on their mobile phones.

6) Personalise your approach

Lastly, make it personal. Be personal in the way you approach them as they’re driven by personalised content. This will improve the odds of not only grabbing their attention, but will also assist with recruitment and interaction in the focus group setting.

Focus group research is a powerful method to gather insights about your product. But the traditional way of approaching it, though suitable for some, isn’t for the millennial population. Targeting the millennial population requires a tailored approach with a strong emphasis on digital.

If you’re looking to conduct focus group research with millennials and need help finding the right participants for your project download our free guide now!

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