A supermarket trolley, representing supermarket market research.

Lockdown Life: Supermarkets

Discover the results from our latest survey on attitudes to supermarket shopping and retail during the first England lockdown, and how Angelfish Fieldwork can support you with your supermarket market research projects.

When the first lockdown hit in England, supermarkets were one of the few places that remained open.

Shopper behaviours subsequently took an unexpected turn, with supermarket shelves empty of items such as pasta, flour, toilet paper and tinned foods.

Over the years here at Angelfish Fieldwork, we’ve worked with a variety of retailers, including supermarkets, supporting them with their supermarket market research projects; from accompanied shops to see how consumers carry out their shopping to focus groups discussing everyday items and how these form a role in their day-to-day lives.

Following the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on supermarkets and shopping during the first lockdown in 2020, the Fieldwork team decided to investigate shopper behaviours and insights a little further with our own supermarket market research survey – and the results we discovered were rather intriguing!

You can see what the results of this survey were in the infographic below:

Infographic displaying the results from the Angelfish Fieldwork supermarket market research survey

The results from our supermarket market research survey are as follows:

  • Over 1,900 people surveyed on their supermarket shopping habits in September 2020.
  • Over 70% of the people we surveyed are driven by offers and discounts rather than brand loyalty.
  • Budgeting is high on the agenda, but sustainability is key. Nearly 75% stated that a supermarket sustainability policy was very important.
  • 78% of people surveyed use a loyalty card, and over three quarters of these redeem points on food.
  • Budget shopping and value for money are key drivers for over 60% shoppers.
  • People are open to supporting charities; 43% would like to round up their shop to the nearest £ for charity.
  • Nearly half of those we surveyed always set themselves a weekly budget.

Looking to conduct supermarket market research of your own?

As mentioned above, we have extensive experience working with retail clients on their projects, and we’d be delighted to support you by finding the perfect respondents to take part in your study! Simply get in touch with us today for an initial chat and we’ll start drawing up a plan...

Let's Talk

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