lockdown life holidays

Lockdown Life: Holidays

Explore our infographic on people’s attitudes towards holidays during the first lockdown in 2020 below, and find out how Angelfish Fieldwork can support your holiday market research in the UK!

From 23rd March 2020, people were required to stay at home to slow the spread of COVID-19.

As a result, holidays across the world were cancelled left, right and centre, seriously impacting the travel and tourism industry (including the cancellation of holiday market research in the UK) and affecting the general public, both financially and in terms of their wellbeing.

Indeed, research has repeatedly shown the physical and mental health benefits that holidays can bring, and the negative psychological impact that the uncertainty around travel brought upon the UK population.

We therefore decided to take a dive into people’s attitudes towards holidays during the lockdown via one of our Lockdown Life research projects – and the results were especially eye-opening!

Infographic displaying the results from the Angelfish Fieldwork’s holiday market research in the UK.

Here are the outcomes from our Lockdown Life: Holidays survey:

  • Over 1,600 people were surveyed to understand their attitudes towards holidays in 2020.
  • Only 19% planned to book a holiday for the latter part of 2020.
  • Of the 19% looking to book for 2020, 38% of those were only looking at the UK.
  • 56% of people surveyed had a holiday booked which had been impacted by Covid-19.
  • At the time of the survey (in 2020), only 1% did not intend to go on holiday in 2021, whilst a large proportion (32%) were considering overseas travel.
  • 39% felt nervous about the prospect of going on holiday in 2020 after Boris Johnson’s announcement on 23rd June.
  • 45% of those booking a holiday in 2021 are seeking a hotel.
  • Top 3 priorities: A countryside or seaside location, accommodation following government guidelines and a good cancellation policy.

Do you have plans to conduct holiday market research in the UK?

If so, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at Angelfish Fieldwork; we’d be delighted to discuss how we can support you with your participant recruitment, validation and more!

Let's Talk

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